Sundays @ 10:30am

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“Great Lessons in Great Storms”

Dear CrossPointe,This Sunday we are going to dig into a very familiar story, the account of Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14:2233. One of my hopes is that we would all come to this familiar passage with fresh eyes! That's not to say none of us have correctly understood this story in the past, for I'm sure many of us have, but I do believe as we comb through this te...

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“Lessons from Jonah”

This Sunday we'll look at one of the well-known stories of the Bible, the story of Jonah. Believers and unbelievers alike have heard of Jonah and the "whale" God sent to swallow him up. But is that the whole story? If you've read the book of Jonah you know that it's not, but you might still find yourself wondering what this book is all about. Jonah is actually a complex ...

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“David & Goliath”

This Sunday we'll dig into one of the most popular stories in all of the Bible, the account of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. With any popular story, the more it is told the more likely it is that there will be a vast number of interpretations. This certainly rings true for our story! The phrase "David and Goliath" is famously used to refer to an underdog that defeats w...

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“The Necessity of Samaria”

This Sunday we'll be looking at a well-known story from John 4, Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Often this passage of Scripture has been used as a model of how to "do" evangelism. To be clear, there are certainly things we can learn from how Jesus interacts with this woman, even things we can implement in our own evangelistic efforts. The main point ...

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