Sundays @ 10:30am

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Ruth 4: “Bought with a Price”

Dear Tribe,

After his resurrection, Jesus met two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus. They didn't recognize him at first, but as they walked together Jesus began taking them through the Old Testament, showing the disciples example after example of people, events and words pointing to the Gospel. Jesus helped these men recognize him in the Old Testament Scriptures before they recognized him in person!

We can guess that he stopped in the Book of Ruth for at least a few minutes. And as we read through this book together we can see the things Jesus would've highlighted. This beautiful story relates the physical redemption of two widows, but it also helps us recognize Jesus, who secured our eternal redemption on the Cross.

This Sunday, we'll finish our study of Ruth with the last chapter. Please prepare your hearts and minds:

Grace and peace,
